Is It Better To Get A Dental Crown Or Pull The Tooth?

If you’ve got a damaged tooth in Edmonton, you may think that you should just have it extracted and replaced instead of getting a dental crown. But this is not a good idea. Tooth extractions are rarely needed for damaged teeth, which can usually be saved using a combination of root canal therapy and a dental crown.

Why is it better to get a dental crown compared to pulling your tooth? In this blog from Sky Dental, we’ll discuss everything you need to know.

Why Would I Need A Crown?

Dental crowns are usually required when your tooth is severely damaged. For example, a crown may be needed if you crack a tooth while eating, your tooth is broken by a hard hit in a contact sport, or if a large cavity or tooth infection has compromised the tooth.

Because crowns cover up and protect the remaining tooth structure, they’re a great way to restore the natural appearance and integrity of your tooth, and keep it healthy and strong for the years and decades to come.

The Advantages Of Dental Crowns

Dental crowns can usually be built and placed in just 2 appointments over a period of 2-3 weeks. They also require no lengthy recovery time, since the procedure is minimally invasive.

In addition to this, dental crowns are very affordable, especially compared to tooth extraction and replacement. Crowns are covered up to applicable limits by dental insurance, so this can help with the cost, too.

Along with root canal therapy, dental crowns are also highly versatile and have a very high success rate of up to 95% when restoring damaged teeth. 

Modern porcelain crowns also look and feel just like natural teeth, and have a lifespan of 15-20 years or longer with proper care, so your dental crown will provide long-lasting results.

Disadvantages Of Dental Crowns

In comparison to tooth extractions, dental crowns have no disadvantages, at least when it comes to repairing and covering up a damaged tooth. They have a very high success rate, require minimal surgery, and are more affordable compared to extracting and replacing a tooth.

The only possible disadvantage is that it may not always be possible to save your tooth. But if Dr. Mike or Dr. Rodriguez believes that your tooth can be saved, they will recommend a crown and/or root canal therapy. They will only recommend an extraction if they have no other choice.

It’s Always Better To Save Your Tooth With A Dental Crown

If your dentist recommends a dental crown and believes an extraction is unnecessary, you should listen to them. Whenever possible, it’s better to save your natural tooth with a dental crown. It’s cheaper, faster, and a better choice.

Schedule A Consultation With Dr. Mike Or Dr. Rodriguez – Save Your Tooth!

At our office, Dr. Mike and Dr. Rodriguez practice conservative dentistry. They will always attempt to save your tooth before recommending extraction. If you have a painful or damaged tooth in Edmonton, we’re here to help. Contact Sky Dental online or give us a call at 780 485 0562 to get started.


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